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Our Story

How about "From Idea to Reality: The Story of LastingSales"?

I, Kashif Naeem, as the CEO of HadiTelecom, a company providing call center software, I noticed small and medium call centers struggled with lead management. One of the biggest issues was the lack of cohesion between lead generation and sales tracking, making it difficult to monitor salespeople's performance and track closed leads in real-time.

That is when I decided to attend a Salesforce event in America. Afterwards, I wanted to develop a similar lead management tool for businesses. After months of hard work, our team developed the perfect tool - LastingSales. Since its launch, LastingSales has been a game-changer for business owners worldwide, helping them streamline their sales process, close leads 3X times faster, and drive revenue.

To all the business owners out there, I invite you to experience the difference that LastingSales can make in your sales process. Join the thousands of happy customers who have transformed their businesses with our powerful lead management tool.

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