LastingSales - CRM

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Are You Tired of
  • Consolidating
  • Distributing
  • Following up

Fine-Tuned for the Lead Management Challenges faced by Business Owners & Sales Heroes!

Are You Facing These Painful Lead Management Problems?

Unable to consolidate Leads coming from Multiple Channels?

Consolidating leads from multiple channels is a major challenge for businesses now. LastingSales simplifies the process by consolidating all leads in one place, making it easy for sales reps to track and manage them from a single platform. This ensures that no leads fall through the cracks and that sales reps can work more efficiently.

Tired of Manually Distributing Leads to your Sales Team?

Distributing leads can be a challenge, leading to lost leads and wasted time. LastingSales streamlines this process by selecting the leads quickly and assigning them to the sales reps based on their performance. This ensures that each sales rep is working on the most relevant leads and that no leads are neglected.

Struggling to Keep Track of Follow-ups?

Effective follow-up is critical for closing leads, but it can be challenging to stay on top of every lead. LastingSales simplifies the process by tracking follow-ups and creating notes on each lead. This ensures that sales reps can see what needs to be done and when, and that no leads fall through the cracks.

Feeling helpless of Messy Data Management on Sheets?

LastingSales' custom fields feature provides an easy solution for organizing and accessing important information about each lead. By allowing businesses to create data fields specific to their industry, LastingSales streamlines data management, making it easier for sales reps to access and use relevant data when interacting with leads.

Ready To Solve These Crucial Pain Points In Your Lead Management Process?

Get a Free Consultation!

LastingSales Top Benefits!

Lead Profile
That Sales Rep Love.

Have a complete 360° view of each lead and its interactions with your sales team.

  • Conversation between Sales Rep
  • Calls, Notes and Follow-ups
  • No of Deals
  • Custom Data Fields
Sales Pipeline for

With LastingSales, you can customize your sales funnel stages to match your business needs, and analyze team performance with clear visibility into the number of deals won or lost at each stage. This helps you optimize your sales process, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately close more deals.

LastingSales mobile app allows the sales reps to stay on top of their follow-ups, no matter where they are. With real-time push notifications and the ability to make notes and set followups on the go, sales rep can ensure that no leads fall through the cracks. The app also allows for easy access to lead information, making it simple to reference previous conversations and track progress. By using LastingSales mobile app, the sales rep can streamline their follow-up process and close leads more efficiently.

All from your phone, in seconds.

Free Sign Up

Happy Client's

We've helped numerous business owners in various industries, including real estate, education consulting, solar services, and more, who are running Facebook lead ads.

"LastingSales makes it easy for us to quickly contact our Facebook leads by sending alerts to us as soon as someone fills the lead form on Facebook, and i can easily assign the leads to my sales team from my mobile. Now our sales team contacts the lead right after 2-3 minutes."

- Mian Ahmad WamiqCEO Urbanscape

"We save time by automating our lead follow-ups with LastingSales. No need to write it down on Excel or Google Sheets. Everytime our sales team get reminders on mobile to call back the leads and its very beneficial for us. Customer do appreciate that you always call on exact given time."

- Roy Ong Owner

"LastingSales helps us close more deals by enabling quick and easy contact with leads via WhatsApp or phone. We can reach out to them in just a few taps. Before that we used to manually save the save the number in phonebook by viewing it from the Excel. It saves a lot of time."

- Umair Satti CEO MyTrip.Pk

"I highly recommend LastingSales to anyone who wants to manage their leads easily. We have created our custom fields, our sales person fills them even if they are on the go. No need for laptop. Excel was very complex now thank God there are very less errors and most important there are no privacy issues."

- Abrar Saeed CEO On Track Services

"Downloading leads from Fb was very hectic, now after integration with it, we instantly get leads on our mobile and can assign them to my sales team instantly. Before this i used to open ads manager thrice a day, and then used to copy paste leads on sheets and text every person to check.

- Sohail Innovative DXB Properties

Our Pricing Plans

Start 14 Days Free Trial

Monthly Plan

Billed Monthly (USD)

$ 12 /mo
  • Unlimited Leads & Deals
  • Unlimited Sales Pipelines & Stages
  • Unlimited Customized Columns
  • Unlimited Notes & Follow Ups Reminders
  • Unlimited File Attachments
  • Facebook Lead Ads Integration
  • Website Forms Integration
  • Import from Microsoft Excel
  • Web Forms for WhatsApp & SMS
  • Calls Integration through API's
  • 20 Users
Annual Plan

Billed Annually (108.00 USD)

$ 9 /mo - Save $3 Every Month
  • Unlimited Leads & Deals
  • Unlimited Sales Pipelines & Stages
  • Unlimited Customized Columns
  • Unlimited Notes & Follow Ups Reminders
  • Unlimited File Attachments
  • Facebook Lead Ads Integration
  • Website Forms Integration
  • Import from Microsoft Excel
  • Web Forms for WhatsApp & SMS
  • Calls Integration through API's
  • 20 Users